Thursday, August 21, 2008

August Reviews

School has begun for teachers, but I managed to read Stephenie Meyer's latest addition to the Twilight series, and Breaking Dawn was great!!!!!! I really want more from her.
Before that I read The Morning Gift by Eva Ibbotson and can recommend the book and the author for her teen historical romances. I found out that Obert Skye is not finished with Leven Thumps, so I am waiting for the next book there. In the meantime, for all you dragon lovers, he has written a new book called Pillage which is about dragons. It might make a good inbetween book before Christopher Paolini's Brisinger becomes available.
Presently, I am reading the second book by James A. Owens in his series The Chronicles of the Imaginatium Geographica entitled The Search for the Red Dragon. Fans of great British authors will recognize them as characters in the aforementioned title and also in the first book of the series-- Here There Be Dragons. In addition, you may even meet some of their characters woven into the stories.